We're putting our money where our mouth is.
A short, but telling post. At every branding conference during the last 10 years, Starbucks has been used as an example of die-hard brand loyalty. The hypothetical question asked was: "If the economy ever turned upside down, what item would you least give up?" "A cup of Starbucks" was always the answer. People felt that at $2.50 or so a cup, it would still give us a taste of luxury in tough times.
Well, guess what. Starbucks has closed and will close hundreds of stores, its stock has been grinded down, and the famed "experience" is now realized while grocery shopping or pulling up in the "Drive Thru."
The lesson? Real fans put their money where their mouths are. The rest of us are quick to find less costly alternatives that still satisfy the basic needs. Now that's something to think about.
Kevin Granato