
Showing posts from May, 2013

Hospital Branding: 7 Deadly Words of Healthcare Marketing

From Paul Szablowski and Rob Rosenberg's recent presentation at Forum for Healthcare Strategists. Hospital Branding:  7 Deadly Words of Healthcare Marketing Jacqueline Fellows, for HealthLeaders Media  , May 29, 2013 Being descriptive in healthcare marketing can be a challenge when you stop using these seven words that no longer have the power to distinguish your organization or its services from those of your competitors. In the early 1970s, stand-up comedian George Carlin delivered what would become the bit he was best known for, "The Seven Words You Can't Say on Television." Google it and you'll be treated to a filthy and hilarious not-safe-for-work rant. Hoping that a portion of that phrase  stands the test of time , Paul Szablowski, vice president of public relations, marketing, and communications for Dignity Health, and Rob Rosenberg, president and brand strategy director for Springboard Brand & Creative Strategy, have developed their own l...