
Showing posts from December, 2012

The Perils of Overthinking in Hospital Branding

As another year comes to a close, we think about all we've accomplished in 2012.  However, it's equally important to think about what we didn't. In fact, our business-oriented list of New Year's resolutions should begin with the "to do's" that remain undone.  There are many reasons in the marketing world why we're not always able to put check marks next to our check-lists.  Deadlines, new project initiatives, changes in staffing, revised business priorities...the list goes on with many items that just can't be helped.  But there's another reason we often don't complete what we've set out to accomplish - "overthinking." Overthinking.  Admit it, we're all guilty.  There are many examples in the world of hospital branding that fall prey to the symptoms of overthinking. Most center around how we think people will react to strategic decisions and whether or not they'll be able to put "two and two together."  B...