Healthcare Branding: 8 Ideas for Managing the “8 Second Rule” for Healthcare Brands

When it comes to reaching and motivating consumers, healthcare marketers face a double “whammy.”
First, studies show that the average person is exposed to 7,500 brand messages and marketing content every day.  The School of Human Sciences and Technology estimates that people switch between screens up to 21 times an hour. As a result of this overload, the average person’s attention span is eight seconds!

What makes this even more complicated for healthcare marketers is the second whammy; making healthcare messaging engaging, simple, digestible, and differentiating in less time than it takes to say “multi-disciplinary, comprehensive, continuum of care.”

As healthcare systems continue to grow adding new capabilities, physician practices, and other services, messaging becomes more complex – all the while consumers are giving them less time.

Here are 8 ideas on how you can manage the “8 Second Rule” for healthcare brands
  1. A long-time colleague, copywriter and tagline maestro friend of mine, Jim Morris, developed a great tagline for taglines, “Long story, short.” I’ve always loved the power and simplicity of this idea. A tagline becomes a part of the brand’s lore and legacy.  Healthcare brands still sound unimaginably similar. And the development of a unique, crafty tagline is one way to stand out and live on after your eight seconds are up.  So much more to say on this, but I’ll keep it short.
  2. Consistency of messaging from one medium to next, one screen to the next, is also another important idea. Too many brands have too many different “faces” from one screen to the next. Knowing your time is limited, should limit this practice.
  3. Become a “heartbeat” brand. Since consumers spend so little time on your message, it should be about them, not you.  Understand your customers and create messaging that is as relevant to their lifestyle, interests and passions as possible.
  4. Digital re-marketing is another way to stick with consumers.   If they’ve visited your website or landing page and then moved on, well look at that – there’s a banner ad on their social media feed or other web site.  Use digital marketing as an effective and cost-efficient way to re-connect.
  5. Many healthcare brands are undifferentiated from each other. And that starts with a lack of clear positioning and strategy, not good creative.  So, the more time you spend up-front will result in more time spent by consumers who see a real interesting difference with your brand.
  6. Common to all these ideas is the fine-tuning of your target group. The better you know your audience and their media habits, the better you’ll be in reaching them on a “cluster” strategy basis; media that runs at the same time in similar formats/programming.  This is an extremely effective way to “double down” on your message and get the most bang from a narrow period of time.
  7. You have eight seconds to make a strong impression. Sounds like a dating site line or hair product.  In truth, there is a correlation and when shared it needs to be bold and make a statement that someone will remember.  So, when they come across your brand again, they’ll embrace it, not erase it.
  8. The old adage, Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) still applies here. With only a dash of time to resonate with consumers, your message has to be clear and uncomplicated.  Here is where healthcare brands go awry.  By the time all the cliche’s and technology terms are used, it’s way beyond the eight-second mark.  Easy solution – read ideas 1-7 again and focus on what should be said, not what your organization thinks needs to be said.
Thank you for spending more than eight seconds on reading this post.  I hope it has provided you with some ideas for getting the most time with your customers.  And also giving your brand new relevance and engagement strategies.  You may now move to the next screen.

Contact Springboard for more information on healthcare brands.


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