
Showing posts from June, 2014

Hospital Branding: Marketers need to SWIM with digital media, or sink.

The next wave of digital marketing requires brand builders to either SWIM or sink. Digital marketing is no longer the after-thought in the marketing plan.   In fact, it should be front and center in your discussions about the most effective ways to market your organization's products and services.   While traditional, off-line communications still has its place in terms of promoting a brand message and satisfying goals related to awareness and preference, digital marketing is the “go to” for achieving behavioral metrics and creating customer transactions. At a recent healthcare strategy conference, savvy marketing guy Chris Bevolo of Interval, presented on the topic of digital marketing.   In his presentation, Chris stressed that digital marketing strategies must be considered first, and in this order: search, web, and mobile.   Marketers need to think through how consumers will search their brand, where it will take them, and how they are searching.   A highlight o